About ART

ART - American Renaissance for the Twenty-first Century is a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit educational foundation dedicated to a rebirth of beauty and life-affirming values in all of the fine arts.

Incorporated in 1992, the foundation has established a consistent track record for championing only the highest quality contemporary art through art exhibits, publications, and performances of music, dance, literature, poetry and drama. ART is unique among arts and aesthetic organizations in that it not only supports beautiful, technically superlative contemporary art but also preserves and advances Western-heritage philosophy based in humanistic values, reason and individualism that originated in ancient Greece, carried forward through the European Renaissance and the Enlightenment, and culminated in the formation of the United States of America.

Therefore, ideational content is as important as external excellence of form in our assessment and decisions as to which contemporary artists we will select and support. Although adhering to the traditional triumvirate of beauty, truth and goodness in art—never severing aesthetics and ethics as did most of the twentieth century—we do not in any regard look back to the past with nostalgia, nor do we attempt any revival of past art or ideas. We attend to the past as a most-worthy paradigm from which to advance beautiful and uplifting art that expresses contemporary sensibilities and context. In this regard, ART is a fully forward-looking foundation that considers itself to be a living legacy of the best of the West.

ART's Mission

To promote and advance established Western-heritage art forms: representationalism in painting and sculpture; melody and harmony in music; grace in dance; structure, coherence and meaning in drama, poetry and literature—and the expression of beauty in all.

about-us image
The "ART" Logo

Most precious of metals and the color of the sun


The color of spirituality


The Rose


Circle — Eternity and the soul

Square — Reality

Circle in the Square
 Vetruvian Man, symbol of humanistic values

Rose — Beauty

Sunrise — Renaissance

Eagle wing — America

Butterfly wing — Ancient Greece

(1) Acronym for
"American Renaissance
for the Twenty-first Century"
(2) All of the Arts

Logo conceived by
Alexandra York

and designed by
Gerd Hessness